Wednesday, 30 May 2007

week five presintations

This week the first presintation was by logan who spoke about the afl dream team, which is a yearly online competition which runs around the football season through
There are different dream teams for different sports such as the nrl, v8's and f1.
Players register online and they gain points as they play.
The site consists of a home page which shows the team, score and score for the year. There's a team page where you can see rankings and there's also a stats page which shows stats on the players like whos improving ect. There is also a coaches box where players can post comments to each other.
Participants also have forums and blogs such as impulse trading for example and you are also able to download podcasts.

The second person to speak today is Tristan who spoke about the triple j unearthed site which finds and surfaces bands. Triple j unearthed started to become realy big in about 2002. bands previously had to travel to a venue to compete against each other but now the compatition has moved online. The site features a homepage shows feature artists and other artists such as whos interesting, guest reviews, a featured playlist and the latest uploads.
There is also an artists page and it shows bands which have got playtime on triple j. it shows artist info such as what they sound like and who they think they sound like, a biography and you are able to listen to their music. you can also comment on songs and write a review.
There is a charts page which shows rankings of bands. Theres a competition page and also a message board which is alike a small forum. there is also a link to the ABC message board which is all triple j and you are able to download triple j podcasts.
Bands can register on the unearthed site and have the ability to change their user details ect. bands also have the ability to upload and change songs. they can also view a stats page where a band can see where they're ranked who's listened to them or added them to playlists ect.

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